© DA/Andreas Ehrmann
© DA/Andreas Ehrmann
© DA/Andreas Ehrmann

Human Rights Space

The Diplomatische Akademie Wien – Vienna School of International Studies (DA) places the utmost importance on the topic of human rights. This commitment is deeply embedded in our curriculum. In addition, it is now also symbolised by renaming one of our event locations on the campus, the 'Musikzimmer', as 'Human Rights Space'.

In an era where fundamental freedoms are increasingly under pressure in many regions of the world, we believe it is crucial to emphasise basic human rights and equality for all.

The principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the body of human rights law that builds on them are at the core of Austria's post-war legal system and the DA is steadfast in its dedication to these principles. As we celebrate the 270th anniversary of our founding, we honour this commitment by naming one of our main event rooms 'Human Rights Space', thereby underscoring our strong belief in the right to freedom of opinion and expression.

Let us always remember: "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."
(Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights)